Dynamic background music

Elevate your Palworld experience with the "Dynamic Background Music" mod. Featuring day and night themes, combat cues, and volume control, immerse yourself in a musically responsive adventure!
Dynamic background music palworld

The “Dynamic Background Music” mod introduces an innovative auditory experience to the world of Palworld. With this mod, players can enjoy an array of background tunes that dynamically alter to reflect the in-game environment and actions. Whether you’re exploring the world during the day, venturing out at night, or engaging in combat, the music seamlessly transitions to match the setting and mood. The mod includes two song packs, one for daytime and another for nighttime, ensuring a diverse musical landscape.

Combat scenes are enhanced with music that smoothly adjusts at the start and end of battles, immersing players deeper into their adventures. Additionally, the mod offers a unique volume control feature, allowing players to adjust the music volume based on a formula that considers the master, BGM, and custom volume settings. This level of customization requires the Mod Config Menu (UI) by DekitaRPG, enhancing the user experience by offering more precise tuning options.

Key Features

  • Dynamic background music that changes with day/night cycles and combat situations.
  • Two distinct song packs for daytime and nighttime themes.
  • Customizable volume control that integrates with the game’s settings for a personalized audio experience.
  • Designed to avoid conflicts with other mods and does not replace game files, ensuring a smooth integration into Palworld.


Download Dynamic Background Music

What’s new
  • Added dependency on game volume settings(Master + BMG)
  • Bug fix with a few day sounds into night theme
  • Added mod config menu(UI) support


  1. Install UE4SS.
  2. For Steam and Xbox users: Download and extract the mod files directly into the Palworld directory.

Note: The mod is designed to work seamlessly without conflicts with other mods and does not replace any original game files, preserving the integrity of your game installation. While the mod functions without the Mod Config Menu (UI), installing it will unlock additional customization options for an even better gameplay experience.

Palworld Mods
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